
Implant Veterans of Toxic Exposure Chemical Adverse
Possible Adverse Effects of Chemicals
PAE = Possible Adverse Effects:
ACETYL BENZOYL PEROXIDE: Used in bleaching flour. Considered Toxic.
ALLYL SULFIDE: An artificial flavoring used in food products and beverages. PAE: liver damage and unconsciousness.
ALUMINUM: Large amounts of Aluminum are found in the brains of Alzheimer's victims. Cause and effect are still being studied.
ALUMINUM PHOSPHIDE: A fumigate which reacts with moist air to produce highly toxic phosphine. It is used on processed foods. PAE: convulsions, lung problems, swelling, shortness of breath, vertigo, weakness, coma and death.
AMMMONIUM CHLORIDE: A dough conditioner used in bread and various non-food products. PAE: skin irritant, urinary acidifier and diuretic, GI upset and acidosis.
AMYL ACETATE: Pear and banana oil. Used as a flavoring in drinks and in various non-food products. PAE: centeral nervous system depression, ingestion, chest pain, headache, fatigue and irriation to the mucous membranes.
AMYL ALCOHOL: An artificial flavoring. Toxic.
ASPARTAME: Trade name: Nutrasweet. Artificial sweetener. Aspartame is about 200 times as sweet as sugar. PAE: may kill clusters of brain cells, promote tumors, nausea, headaches, dizziness, visual disturbances, fluctuation in blood pressure, confusion, disorientation, seizures, loss of equilibrium, numbness, muscle aches and inflammation of the pancreas. Asparatame also lowers the acidity of urine. Low acidity creates an undesireable environment for urinary infections. Anyone with PKU should avoid products containing Aspartame as well as pregnant women.
AZODICARBONAMIDE: A bleaching agent for flour. FDA requests further studies.
BENZALDEHYDE: Artificial almond flavoring. PAE: central nervous system depression and convulsions.
BENZOIC ACID: Flavoring preservative. PAE: Allergic reaction. avoid if aspirin sensitive.
BENZOYL PEROXIDE: Used in bleaching flour, milk and other dairy products. PAE: Toxic by inhalation, skin irritant.
BENZYL ACETATE: Used in flavorings. PAE: GI upset, bronchial irritation, skin and eye irritaion.
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