What are the rules on plastic surgery? What you need to know about the current regulations

At the moment any qualified doctor can carry out cosmetic surgery - even if they don't have specific skills or training in the procedure Kevan Jones, MP for North Durham, led a House of Commons debate calling for a new system of regulation so that patients can be sure cosmetic surgeons are properly qualified.
But what are the rules at the moment?
You have to be qualified to be a cosmetic surgeon, right?
Of course, your surgeon will be medically trained. However, at the moment, cosmetic surgery is not a defined surgical speciality in its own right.
This means that there is no common qualification for people performing cosmetic surgery - so patients have no easy way of reassuring themselves that a surgeon is qualified to carry out the procedure.
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In the above article it asks ;

Why has this been brought up now?
The answer was this ;
concerns about lack of regulation increased following the “PIP” breast implant scandal, when it emerged breast implants produced by French company Poly Implant Prothese had been made using industrial grade silicons.

You will find that there has been no regulation since before 2001 and Surgeons and experts have been fighting all this time to crack down on the lack of regulation in the cosmetic surgery industry and it seems to be a losing battle . The Pip Scandal is NOT the first scare .... There`s been many and NOTHING has ever been done !!

This article is Texts Adopted by the European Parliament;
 Resolution on the communication from the Commission on community and national measures in relation to breast implants IN  2003 and still NOTHING HAS CHANGED
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EU may crack down on breast implants
May 2000   Legislation governing the health and safety of breast implants is to be considered by the European Commission Large-scale s "One of the problems has been that we don't know how many women have gone through this, because many of the operations are done privately."studies should also be done to establish the health risks of implants, he said.Surgeons carrying out operations inappropriately or causing harm should be struck off their national medical registers, Mr Miller said.
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Regulation to bring cosmetic surgery to heel 
Jan 2005 The growth market in cosmetic surgery and procedures will face tough regulatory controls outlined today by the government
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Warning over 'cosmetic ops risk'
Nov 2009   Lack of regulation and "professional greed" is putting patients undergoing cosmetic surgery at more risk than ever before, a leading doctor warns. Tighter control is needed to clamp down on issues such as two-for-one offers and untested products, he said.His views are backed by several doctors writing in the Clinical Risk journal.
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More stories here  and here Breast Implants debate "10 years & counting