The Corporate Whistle Blower Center is urging medical device industry insiders, or physicians to call them if they possess significant proof a specific medical device product is defective, the company knows about the defect, and the company is continuing to sell the product, regardless of the harm the defective medical device is causing patients, because the rewards for this type of information can be in the millions of dollars, but the whistleblower must have documentation, or extremely high levels of proof.
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- NHS Recommendations VS The Truth.
- Breast Implants debate "10 years & counting
- Petitions., Surveys etc....
- Mas - Heritage The Story
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- Influence of pharmaceutical & Mhra
- MHRA corrupt....Unelected, Unbalanced and Unaccountable....
- Mhr ...........Who??????
- Uk Different to Other Countries Pip
- The So-Called Regulations ...Never Changing over Decades ...