Government initiatives don't cut it, say surgeons

London – 13 February, 2014 – The British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (, the only organisation based at the Royal College of Surgeons solely dedicated to the advancement and education of aesthetic ('cosmetic') surgery, today condemn the lack of action by the Department of Health despite the recommendations resulting from Sir Bruce Keogh's recent review into the sector. The BAAPS, which represents the vast majority of NHS plastic surgeons in private practice, fear it's "business as usual" in an arena known as the "Wild West."
Despite the BAAPS campaigning over the last decade for the Government to pass legislation to keep Britons safe from untested procedures and unqualified practitioners, today's announcement reveals that very little regulation is being implemented, in real terms.
According to consultant plastic surgeon and BAAPS President Rajiv Grover;

"Frankly, we are no less than appalled at the lack of action taken - this review, not the first one conducted into the sector, represents yet another thoroughly wasted opportunity to ensure patient safety. With all the evidence provided by the clinical community, choosing not to reclassify fillers as medicines with immediate effect or setting up any kind of compulsory register beggars belief. Legislators have clearly been paying only lip service to the sector's dire warnings that dermal fillers are a crisis waiting to happen. Most shockingly of all, the fact that there is no requirement for the actual surgeon involved to obtain consent for the procedure makes a mockery of the entire process. It's business as usual in the Wild West and the message from the Government is clear: roll up and feel free to have a stab."