Boob-op rat is taking the pip seeking £1.7million payout

£1.7m boob-op rat is taking the pip

THE businessman who denied thousands of victims of the PIP breast implant scandal the right to compensation is seeking a £1.7million payout. Harley Medical Group founder Mel Braham, 74, caused outrage by putting his cosmetic surgery chain into administration to avoid potential legal claims from 13,900 patients. A private equity firm resurrected the company and appointed him £400,000-a-year chairman. But The Sun can reveal he has since been fired over allegations of dishonesty and “serious” concerns about his expenses. He denies the claims and is seeking a payout for wrongful dismissal, loss of earnings and expenses as well as office vases and artwork.

Jan Spivey of patients’ group PIP Action Campaign said: “Look what happens when the shoe’s on the other foot. Braham is using the legal system he denied to us to try and get £1.7million compensation.

“Two years on and women still have these implants in their bodies and cannot afford to get them out. It’s outrageous.” The PIP scandal broke in 2010 when officials warned the implants were made of industrial grade silicone usually pumped into mattresses.
Harley Medical Group initially vowed to replace implants for free, then withdrew the offer, saying it could not afford it.

In 2012, the firm went into administration, leaving £700,000 unpaid tax. Last night, RCapital who own a 51 per cent stake in the new Harley Medical Group, said: “We can confirm that Mel Braham’s employment has terminated.”

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