Ability to seep through the surface of an intact implant...

BAAPS President Rajiv Grover on BBC Newsnight:

"The silicone within the implant changes. It goes from a gel, which is solid, and changes into something that's  
got such a watery consistency that it can no longer be called a gel - it becomes almost an oil - and this has the  ability to seep through the surface of an intact implant and possibly even give a greater degree of inflammation within the tissues."

Also Jeremy Paxman follows up with two victims of #PIP who explain what they and others continue to go  
through, and how no punishment could be great enough for the betrayal of the #PIPScandal.  
BAAPS President Rajiv Grover discusses PIP on BBC Newsnight

Here are the results of my implants when i sent them for testing 

Note that it says that my implants DID  HAVE  an anti-bleed barrier !!!

BUT THEN please note that it also says  "At incision, the ERUPTION of a Significant amount of 

silicone   fluid was observed"  !!!!!

These implants MUST COME OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No sentencing can ever be adequate punishment," says BAAPS president Rajiv Grover via The Sun 

AAPS president's statement on Jean Claude Mas sentence handed down this morning:

“There can be no way of compensating the victims of PIP for the scale of this betrayal, and in that respect no sentencing can ever be adequate punishment. It’s appalling that it has been years since the PIP crisis first made headlines in the UK and despite the Government urging the private sector to replace the defective devices, thousands of women are still left with no support from their original providers.

"Whilst there is no way for regulation to prevent criminal behaviour, undoubtedly the system failed hundreds of thousands of women worldwide who, for all anyone knew, could have been walking around with implants filled with toothpaste. That such a dangerous situation was allowed to develop unchecked over the last ten years is totally unacceptable and we welcome the implementation of pragmatic changes that will protect patients in the future.”

    BAAPS President: "That such a dangerous situation was allowed to develop unchecked over the last ten years is totally unacceptable"

  Extremely - no wonder most women describe it as a nightmare. Let's hope the Govt. wakes up to regulate the sector!

  [ Silicone] becomes almost an oil, and this has the ability to seep through the surface of an intact implant" - BAAPS Prez Rajiv Grover

BBC News you need to get your facts right when covering the Sandal! The UK GOV have NEVER agreed to replace PIP implants!

Just given my views on PIP etc on . I hope Mas is now tried for ABH and the women deserted by clinics get treatment

  There could never be adequate punishment for the scale of the betrayal, but 4 years and €75K is a joke. This is not justice.

What they ended up doing was using an industrial-grade silicone, which – if you look at the trial – they can’t actually tell what the content are. I suspect they did that because it was cheaper."
What would the impact be? 

Why is that dangerous to people’s health?

Heneghan said: "When you implant something inside the body it’s very important that it’s inert. It doesn’t do anything; it doesn’t cause any toxic reaction. Sometimes these implants can actually burst and leak into a human body. And the problem is that some these chemicals that are different, this industrial-grade, are not inert and may be potentially toxic and there are some concerns that may even be cancerous."

Read more: http://voiceofrussia.com/uk/news/2013_12_10/Defective-breast-implants-chief-sentenced-to-four-years-in-jail-6019/

"the problem is that some of these chemicals... are not inert & may be potentially toxic" D4 TOXIC