World Silicone Breast Implant Symptom Survey

PIP Action Campaign is based in the UK where as many as 47,000 women are believed to be victims of the PIP criminal fraud.  The scale of the PIP fraud is global: 100,000 women in Europe and 500,000 women and their families worldwide are believed to be directly affected.

World Silicone Breast Implant Symptom Survey

Most victims of the PIP implant criminal fraud will already realise some of their reported immune, endocrinal and neurological symptoms are shared with women with ‘authorised’ silicone breast implants.  A group of women in The Netherlands formed SVS Meldpuntto provide research, information and support for all women affected by silicone breast implants.  We can help them to collect data for a large international study by completing their Health Survey below:   more info;