IMPORTANT : Hello everyone!

The PHSO template document can now be downloaded from our webpage - we would like more women to join the complaint which is for Gross Negligence against the Department of Health and the MHRA. You can join the complaint even of you have an individual case with a legal firm.

The PHSO is the Parliamentary & Health Service Ombudsman - they look to resolve complaints against the Brit government,s health authorities and have powers to award compensation and damages.

You may not know that the first PIP alert came in March 2010 when the French police went to the PIP factory and arrested the directors of PIP and closed the factory. In Britain, women with PIP were not informed until December 2011! 21 MONTHS LATER ... that,s NEARLY TWO YEARS!!!!

If you think that it was an acceptable delay and the MHRA and the DoH were right to prolong women,s exposure to toxic implants: this is not for you.

In most places in Europe women are offered R&R underpinned by a policy that PIP do pose a risk and should be removed. If you think it is acceptable for women in Britain to be forced to wait for a rupture before PIP removal: again this is not for you.

However, if like us you think our care and treatment under a tory government is a SHAMEFUL DISGRACE, please join the complaint and do it NOW! Our case is currently under review! We have have worked hard and obtained MP referrals AND we have made the first step - which is a prima facie case - showing we have the evidence of our case!

JOIN US on the PHSO Group Complaint - it,s the ONE thing you can do to change things for all British women - and with a bit of luck - once British women have forced changes - it will be harder for other governments, like Australia, not to do the same for women there!

All UK women are invited to join - your country needs YOU! Changing policy on high risk category 3 implantable medical devices, which are hip joints, pacemakers, surgical mesh and breast implants is now in our hands. WE demand better protection and safety standards for all patients! LOOKS like it may be down to a few handfuls of PIP women to make the changes! Join us;)

You can find the template on this link: