Justice 4 PIP victims 17th October Wear Something YELLOW

Justice 4 PIP victims 17th October Wear Something YELLOW


We are fast approaching 17 October 2013, which is the date for the first decision in the French PIP trials. Once again, it is time to stand united, and to show to the world that more than 500.000 women are suffering all over the planet because of the negligence of inspection companies and governmental bodies.

We want French Courts to recognise the failures of TÜV, who have a responsibility to protect public safety, and to hold them to account.

We want to send a clear message to the French justice system: ...

We expect JUSTICE!

Once again, let's raise our voices together for JUSTICE show our international solidarity and strength by wearing something YELLOW.


On the 17th October 2013 women and their families all over the world will take part in a social networking event Wear Something Yellow. The event was set-up to raise awareness of the very real health issues facing women with toxic PIP implants.

Women have joined together in solidarity and support of one another, knowing only too well, the pain and suffering PIP implants have caused.

You can join-in by Wearing Something Yellow on
17 October and posting your fotos and messages here.

We hope you will.