Denuncian que se siguen comerciando prótesis Pip | cba24n

Denuncian que se siguen comerciando prótesis Pip | cba24n

Complaints that are still trading Pip prostheses

Although its distribution is prohibited in Argentina, only 30 pairs were removed from the 1800 that were placed in Cordoba.

Dozens of pairs of pip breast implants, whose marketing is prohibited in the country, are still traded on a black market.

Through various retailers and doctors tease the controls specified by the National Administration of Drugs, Food and Medical Technology (ANMAT), also reaching Cordoba female hands.

To make matters worse, many still hold the prosthesis in their bodies, despite the harmful effects caused by its poor quality. As has been shown in Europe, often filled with industrial products.

According to Karina Zeverín counsel states, only about 30 pairs withdrew the 1,800 that were placed throughout the province.

"We have intervened in 30 cases. Several, we get the judiciary of the nation national state order the removal of the prosthesis and prosthesis reimplantation with ANMAT approved quality," said the lawyer to Channel 10